I recently completed a personal challenge - 1 poem a day for 30 days. No apologies, no excuses. I’m planning on sharing a few poems that jumped out as especially valuable to me. Hope you enjoy!
She Needs
She needs a horse
to live with,
nosing her great head
through the window in the morning,
showing her the shape of the day,
where it will take her heart.
She needs to ride
to feel the singing chant
of hooves and breath and dirt
pounding up through her,
the drumbeat of her own life
She needs her dog by her side,
to look to for comfort
to tease and play with
to entwine her body with,
dreaming together
of the fangs and fur and claws
that live inside.
She needs her dog to show her
how to look to the wind
with her long sharp face,
when she has to know
whats coming.
She needs all the ways of animal being
as her bleeding body takes her out of childhood
into the tearing joys of life,
running through the infinite hands
of the forests
that are our ancestors,
that surround our home
and give her life.
This place will eat my daughter alive
if she cannot learn to be
wild and wise
in her animal body.
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